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August 15-23, 2009

Please note changes from last year!!!

1. ALL OPEN , 4-H & FFA poultry entries must be in by July 20, 2009 (there will be NO exceptions and NO poultry will be accepted on check in day that has not been pre-entered by July 20, 2009).  You will not be allowed to register at check in.

All entries must be on properly filled entry blanks. Improper or incomplete entry blanks will be grounds for disqualification. No entry in the Junior Poultry Division will be accepted without the signature of the Vocational Agricultural Instructor or 4-H leader.

2. Entry fees will be as follows: $2.00 Single Specimen   $4.00 Pair & Trios $10.00 for Meat Pens.  There is also $10.00 for an exhibitor's pass.

3. All Junior poultry exhibitors must be Valencia County 4-H or FFA members and certified by either their vocational instructor or their 4-H leader.

4. The superintendent has the authority to disqualify any exhibitor for violations of the show.

5. Poultry will be accepted between 2 PM - 7 PM   Meat pens will be weighed 30 minutes after close of entries.  All poultry must be in place no later than August 18, 2009, and no exhibit may be removed until ..........., August ......., 2009 from .........   You MUST present your exhibitors stub to claim your poultry.  Judging will begin at .........Judging all poultry.  4-H Showmanship will follow when judging is completed.

6. Classes may be added, dropped or combined by the livestock committee with the poultry superintendent. The superintendent will form breed classes if there are 3 entries in any breed. Other breeds in each division will be judged in a class titled "Other Pure Breeds"

 7. All exhibitors must provide feed and water cans for their birds and wire them in place.  You, the exhibitor will also be required to feed and water your poultry each day.  If your poultry goes 24 hours without food or water you will be required to come and take them home and you will forfeit all winnings.  The poultry superintendent will no longer be responsible for feeding and watering your entries.

8. All poultry will be inspected upon arrival at the poultry barn and banded upon entry.  No entries will be accepted that are not banded (no exceptions). Bands should have been paid for along with your entry fees.

9. Any fowl that shows signs of disease, infection or parasites will not be accepted.

10. All fowl must be owned and cared for by exhibitors for no less than 90 days prior to the opening of the Valencia County Fair.

11. The VCCExpo will not be responsible for loss by fire or otherwise.

12. All eggs become the property of the expo, and will be destroyed.

13. Classes will be listed the same for Open, 4-H and FFA entries, but Open will be judged separate from 4-H and FFA.

14. Ribbons will be given for the 1st through 6th place. The judges decisions are final.

15. Buckles for 4-H and FFA combined will be given for the following:

  1. Grand Champion Meat Pen
  2. Showmanship Novice, Junior and Senior
  3. Best of Show

16. All fowl shall be entered as one of the following:


-Hen Cockerel


-Pair-1 cock, 1 hen

-Old Trio- 1 cockerel, 2 pullets over 1 year

-Young Trio-1 cockerel, 2 pullets under 1 year

-Old or Young Duck

-Old or Young Drake

Meat Pen – a pen of 3 cocks or 3 cockerels

17. An exhibitor may not exhibit the same animal in both the open and junior show.

***3 entries will be allowed per class. No duplicate entries will be allowed.***


JUNIOR POULTRY MEAT PEN – a pen of 3 cocks or 3 cockerels

Ribbons Donated by: .............

Open to 4-H & FFA members.


1. Entry Fees for meat pen is $10.00 per pen. Entries are Due July 20, 2009.

2. When entering use form and write-in Meat pen.

4. A meat pen consists of 3 cockerels or 3 cocks. Each bird should weigh from 3-5 lbs. each. Total weight of pen is 9-15 lbs.

5. The birds should be similar in build, color, shape, peck, comb and feet.

6. A maximum of 3 pens per exhibitor is allowed

7. Meat pen will arrive with all other birds on August 18, 2009 from 2 PM - 7 PM. 

8. Pen will be weighed about 30 minutes after entries close.


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